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On the Void

Updated: Jan 13

“Who will hear him if he can’t hear himself?” -Emmanuel Carrère, Yoga

Our derivative associations with void are telling: in Sanskrit, deficient; Persian, empty or poor; Armenian, empty; Latin, waste or idle; Old English, deficient; Old Norse, to lack. source:

Herein lies the question, is our source lacking? Is our Source not the Void itself? What does the Void reveal about itself beyond the capital V? Are Source and Void two sides of the same, the Yang and the Yin? Is this what flows through the center of all the charts we cast?

Listen to the word for an echo of an echo of an echo...void void void...I hear avoid devoid, avoid devoid, avoid devoid. We have turned void into devoid, into empty, vacant, destitute. What we do not know how to read, what we cannot sense, we make desolate, we foreclose. What if the void is all that we do not yet know and all that we may never know, never ever. Can we sit with that?

The void is in us just as we are in the void. There is within us all that is not us. Realizing this means we no longer need to strive to sense or know that which we cannot sense or know. Each of us is given a palette, brushes and a canvas. We may learn to mix colors, or we may choose one hue. We may use a variety of brushes or we may paint with our fingers. We may douse the canvas or choose a strip of metal. What we are not given is what we cannot yet know. What we are not given is what we may choose to devote ourselves to - not in pursuit, but in embrace, in love.

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