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On Creative Evolution

“Evolution is not a line, not a continuum, it is a tree.” -David Liu

If we look across species at trees, what do we see? An interconnected web of roots, branches leaning toward each other.

Perhaps our idea of evolution as becoming anything teleological is the problem.

What if evolution is a cross-pollinating process of transmuting rather than a pre-ordained becoming?

What if the idea of accumulation is meant to start breaking down?

What if evolution is nonlinear movement in time, and what is beyond evolution is agape, which is the whole of it? And what if we are contained in that whole & gifted our own spark of creative genius?

Creative: "to bring into being", "related to Ceres and to crescere 'arise, be born, increase, grow.'" Source:

Evolution: “an opening of what was rolled up” 1620s, and from Latin evolutionem “unrolling (of a book).” Source:

Imagine that there is a book in each of us with nothing but symbols on the pages, indicating we are here to experience, interpret and (re)inscribe the stories of life. Astrology gives us a graphic organizer, a birth map, filled with planets, asteroids, centaurs, their signs, houses and aspects, hinting at our Soul's brainstorming sessions. It is up to us to weave the story together, an ongoing, never ending individual and collective process.

for more on the concept of Creative Evolution, see the book of the same title by Henri Bergson

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