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On Consciousness

“But it is your attention to an event that makes it conscious.” Tom Kenyon, Who are the Hathors

If consciousness arises through attention, then how do we attend? If astrology is a symbolic study of arising consciousness, if astrology allows the (un)conscious to express itself, then astrology provides an opportunity to become more conscious. How can we attend astrologically?

Attention can be described as our presence in our bodies. For some of us, this can feel like an impossible or arduous process. Astrology can reflect the areas in our life where it is hardest to be in our bodies. The way the planets speak to each other in our natal map gives us information. The revolving planets in relation to their placement at our birth guides us moment by moment, offering an awareness that we can compassionately provide to ourselves and others. With this softening awareness, we may breathe a little more deeply. This breathing allows our cells to take in more oxygen, allows us to grow into our bodies.

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