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On Archetypes & Aspects

Archetypes are the fundamental components of astrology. Arche means first principal, from the early Greek, elemental. Type is a symbol or emblem, a figure or image. The word archetype calls to mind architect and archeologist. I believe we receive archetypes passed to us through our ancestry: familial, cultural and ecological, and we can become the architects of our types.

While it can be said that the archetypes we receive determine us, we can become increasingly conscious of how we have been shaped. Through becoming conscious of the various archetypal blends in our natal chart, we understand how we express ourselves. We begin to play with the meanings inherent in the symbols, thus re-shaping our symbolic signature and ultimately creating the meaning of our own lives. Eventually, we write our own archetypal mythology. The archetypes evolve as we evolve. Astrology is primarily evolving and emergent or emerging.

Aspects are the geometrical relation of one astrological body to another. In this sense, astrology is fundamentally relational. Each aspect carries a certain kind of energy or frequency, some suggesting harmony and others discord. Growth comes from ease and conflict; stagnation, likewise, can accompany ease or conflict. Once you become aware and conscious of the aspects that were prevalent at the time of your birth and the aspects that continue to transpire via transits, it is up to you how you choose to interact with the energy.

*photo by Chenspec (courtesy of Pixabay)

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