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Chariklo, centaur of compassion

Chariklo is murmuring conjunct the Aquarius Moon weeping through my pores on behalf of our inability to cohabitate with one another as Earth beings. Still she holds us. Still she blesses us.

May you become

the many petalled zinnia

hardy and vibrant

long lasting through

bitterness, holding

the shape of those killed.

Every child, every one-

may you kiss their foreheads

or the space where they

would have drawn

the dot of protection

from evil, may you kiss

the eye as I hold you carefully

May we banish

those who seek the life

of another so they

feel remorse

lifetimes in isolation

so they may one day

dissipate all desire

and decompose.

According to Melanie Reinhart, Chariklo is associated with boundaries and containers and is the witness, the one who bears with. Charklo is a shapeshifter, a centaur and a nymph, a walker and a healer, the yin to Chiron’s yang.

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