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Axis articulation - the flower beyond infinity

Aries-Libra: spark-reflection

Taurus-Scorpio: shape-shift

Gemini-Sagittarius: pattern-meaning

Cancer-Capricorn: interior-exterior

Leo-Aquarius: creation-experimentation

Virgo-Pisces: healing-immersion

Thank you to @root_of_roots for inspiring me to write more in depth about these polarities. I've been pondering over the difference between duality, non duality and polarity. The infinity symbol comes to mind as an image that represents all of these phases. When we think of a duality or an opposition in astrology, we typically imagine a line going straight across the center of the circle. If we apply the infinity symbol instead, we perceive a curve doubling back through the center. The center being the point of non duality, and the curves being the energy of polarity. Could this be a new way to experience energy circuiting between the poles? From the infinity perspective, energy moves so fast it appears still, so the spark and the reflection are one and the same. This principle could be applied for each of the paired signs listed above.

Moving past oppositional thinking, past the collapsing of poles, past even the idea of synthesis, there may be a flow of two in one that does not split into a third; perhaps this is the principle of non duality. Neither one nor two nor three. Is there a name for this? Beyond infinity? If you draw these curves across a horoscope, a flower emerges.

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