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Archetexture - imagining archetypal surfaces

Updated: Jul 12

*photo by biemme zeta, courtesy of unsplash

Arche - primal element, such as water

Texture - structure or network, composition

Archetypes may evolve with our understanding of them, yet the word itself has dualistic tendencies: constricting in form, expanding in symbol. I am not abandoning archetype, just pivoting, just imagining a body that is material and immaterial, textual and contextual. What would it mean for our foundation to be textural? Would new archetextures emerge? Perhaps archetexture provides nuance and feel to the archetypes.

I am feeling the pull and push of the Saturn/Neptune conjunction at 0 Aries, many months in advance. The retrogrades in Pisces are just outside a ten degree orb, tickling my awareness, sleepy though it is, lulled in the Piscean, wanting to melt into the office carpet, under the aquarium-like feel of a projector making blue walls swim. Simultaneously, Saturn/Neptune at 0 Aries has sent a calling card. What archetextures are emerging?


What is an Aries texture? Hot and cold, icy hots, hot flashes that send you face first to the freezer. A mid-winter ride in a convertible. The first bite, the scalded tongue, the false start that is also pure. The pyramid lit by an inner flame.

*photo by Michael Dziedzic, courtesy of Unsplash

And Taurus texture is rawhide, is a saddle ingrained to the rider. It’s molded and not a mold; it’s singular. It’s what matters.

*photo by Mathias Reding, courtesy of Unsplash

Gemini stage whispers - polyphonic, speculative and certain, undoubtedly garrulous. Wearing a t-shirt with a question mark on the front and an exclamation mark on the back. Stark and changeable.

*image by Geralt, courtesy of Pixabay

Cancer is more than milky and would be embarassed if anyone Mooned them. This is not to be coy or fey. This is sincere. This is caring for you. This is hiding in plain sight.

*photo by Camera-man, courtesy of Pixabay

Leonine is a marquee. Is a name you recognize, rollling off your tongue. Is jasmine. Is honey. Is the heart transplant.

*photo by Kind and Curious, courtesy of Unsplash

Virgo is a graph but not graphic. Is a design drafted in pencil. Smell the shavings, the graphite. Pick bits of eraser off the floor. A blank page is too smooth. A blank page is perfect.

*photo by Tatiana Syrikova, courtesy of Pexels

Libra is a key. An antique key without a lock. A key on a necklace. A reminder that seeking what is lost keeps you off key. Make it a keepsake. The velvet box for storage.

*photo by carmen6969, courtesy of Pixabay

The Scorpionic bites back. Leaves a mark. Has scales (not the Libra variety). Will bleed for you. Is a tonic. Really a whiskey. The undertow.

*photo by JJ Shev, courtesy of Unsplash

Then the whiplash of Sagittarius. Speaker’s Corner din. Loud and proud. Gregarious in a Prius. Just all of it and more. All the flavors, all the colors. The brass band.

*photo by John de Jong, courtesy of Unsplash

The crest that is Capricorn. Coat of Arms. Pomp and Circumstance. The magistrate’s leatherbound book. Musty. Antique row. A grandfather clock. Your favorite time of day.

*photo by Myriams-Fotos, courtesy of Pixabay

An Aquarian interruption, a break in time, a slice through space. Forever young and older than old. The over and out call. Intelligence of a different sort. Inner space is outer space!

*design by Filip Kominik, courtesy of Unsplash

Pisces needs no texture. Is beyond texture. Is fluidity. Is saline. Melts. Pools. Undulates. Washes out. Roaring, rushing, crushing. The ink of an octopus.

*photo by Juli Kosolapova, courtesy of Unsplash

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