On April 8 we will be returning to the degree that opened this solar eclipse cycle 19 years ago. Think back to April 8, 2005. What was beginning; what were you leaving behind? The eclipse of 4/8/2005 was at 19.06 Aries. The Sun and Moon were square Saturn in Cancer, opposite Jupiter in Libra and sextile Mars/Neptune in Aquarius. The Mars/Neptune conjunction was trine Jupiter. Chiron was at 2.43 Aquarius. Perhaps you were putting your personal needs aside in order to form and ultimately grow into a partnership, setting up a 19 year period of give and take but not necessarily true interdependence.
During the intervening 19 years, you might have followed a path that looked somewhat like this:
an enforced isolation, a mourning, a separation, an arrival, a birth, an encounter
Moved to act:
swift movement, the hunt or the escape, instinct, raw energy, drive, survival
Meeting the other:
another in the midst, same or different, to eat or be eaten, longing, desire
the other is you, radical perspective taking, loss of one's own center, splitting
Falling down:
unseen and unseeing, endless hall of mirrors, disconnected, broken, forsaken
The return:
facedown, you kiss the ground, a crocus rises to embrace you, the rain cries for you, drink your own tears
And we arrive at the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse at 19.24 Aries conjunct Chiron to the exact arc minute. The eclipse is also conjunct the North Node, involving us in karmic level engagement. What new cycle is awakening? What can we bring forth from the previous cycle? What did we consume from our own tears? Have we learned to love ourselves at last? Where does this love come from? If this is the love that emanates freely and is available for all, we are both receiver and transmitter but not the originator. Think of the Ace of Cups - the water flows into a cup that is overflowing. The 2005 eclipse sextile was with Mars/Neptune in Aquarius - your will was being sacrificed for the greater good. This time the eclipse guide Mars is conjunct Saturn in Pisces semi-sextile the North Node - your will is being shaped so you can offer the love that is offered to you. Can you allow your will to be shaped? Can you let go of the self that you previously sacrificed without fearing that you are once again sacrificing? Can your self undoing mitigate your actual becoming?
*Photo credits, pixabay: JESHOOTS-com; AI generated; MonikaP; igorovsyannykov; PublicDomainPictures; KIMDAEJUNG